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  1. Liao, Z., Schoop, J. M., Saelzer, J., Bergmann, B., Priarone, P. C., Splettstößer, A., Bedekar, V.M., Zagner, F., Kaynak, Y. (2024) Review of current best-practices in machinability evaluation and understanding for improving machining performance. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 50, 151-184.
  2. Kitay, O., & Kaynak, Y. (2024) Analysis of cutting tool geometry induced machining response, surface integrity and anisotropy relation of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 120, 719-732.
  3. Demirtas, M., Ivanov, K. V., purcek, G., Yanar, H., & Kaynak, Y. (2024) Surface modification of additively manufactured Inconel 718 alloy by low‐energy high‐current electron beam irradiation. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26, 2400633.
  4. Zoghipour, N., Tascioglu, E., & Kaynak, Y. (2024). Machinability of extruded and multi-directionally hot forged eco-friendly brass alloys. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 63(2), 414-425.
  5. Sunay, N., Kaya, M., Yılmaz, M.S., Kaynak, Y. (2023) Effects of heat treatment on surface integrity and wear performance of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion process additive manufacturing under different laser power and scanning speed parameters. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45:430, 1-16.
  6. Güneşsu, E., Yılmaz, M. S., Taşçıoğlu, E., Sharif, S., & Kaynak, Y. (2022). Effect of Drag Finish Post-processing on Surface Integrity and Wear Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 31(12), 9962-9971.
  7. Taşcıoğlu, E., Kıtay, Ö., Keskin, A. Ö., & Kaynak, Y. (2022). Effect of printing parameters and post-process on surface roughness and dimensional deviation of PLA parts fabricated by extrusion-based 3D printing. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44(4), 139.
  8. Kaynak, Y., Taşcıoğlu, E., Sharif, S., Suhaimi, M. A., & Benefan, O. (2022). The effect of cooling on machining and phase transformation responses of Ni-rich NiTiHf high-temperature shape memory alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 75, 1144-1152.
  9. Huang, B., Kaynak, Y., Sun, Y., Khraisheh, M. K., & Jawahir, I. S. (2022). Surface layer modification by cryogenic burnishing of Al 7050-T7451 alloy with near ultra-fine grained structure. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144(3).
  10. Taşcıoğlu, E., Kaynak, Y., Sharif, S., Pıtır, F., & Suhaimi, M. A. (2022). Machining-induced surface integrity of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by powder bed fusion additive manufacturing under various laser processing parameters. Machining Science and Technology, 26(1), 49-71.
  11. Karabulut, Y., Kaynak, Y., Sharif, S., & Suhaimi, M. A. (2022). Effect of machining and drag finishing on the surface integrity and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 53(1), 109-118.
  12. Khanna, N., Zadafiya, K., Patel, T., Kaynak, Y., Rashid, R. A. R., & Vafadar, A. (2021). Review on machining of additively manufactured nickel and titanium alloys. Journal of materials research and technology, 15, 3192-3221.
  13. Tascıoğlu, E., Khan, HM., Kaynak, Y. Coskun, M., Tarakci, G., Koç. E.(2021) Effect of aging and finish machining on the surface integrity of selective laser melted maraging steel”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 27(10) 1900-1909.
  14. Kıtay, Ö., Kaynak, Y. (2021) The effect of flood, high-pressure cooling, and CO2-Assisted cryogenic machining on microhardness, microstructure and x-ray diffraction patterns of NiTi shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,30 (2021) 5799-5810.
  15. Karabulut, Y.; Tascioglu, E.; Kaynak, Y. (2021) “Heat treatment temperature-induced microstructure, microhardness and wear resistance of Inconel 718 produced by selective laser melting additive manufacturing”, Optik, Volume 227, February 2021, 163907.
  16. Khan, H. M., Özer, G., Tarakci, G., Coskun, M., Koc, E., & Kaynak, Y. (2021). The impact of aging and drag‐finishing on the surface integrity and corrosion behavior of the selective laser melted maraging steel samples. 52, 60-73. Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 52(1), 60-73.
  17. Khan, H. M., Karabulut, Y., Kitay, O., Kaynak, Y., & Jawahir, I. S. (2021). Influence of the post-processing operations on surface integrity of metal components produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing: a review. Machining Science and Technology, 25(1), 118-176.
  18. Agrawal, C., Khanna, N., Gupta, M. K., & Kaynak, Y. (2020). Sustainability assessment of in-house developed environment-friendly hybrid techniques for turning Ti-6Al-4V. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 26, e00220.
  19. Jawahir, I.S.; Schoop, J.; Kaynak, Y.; Lu, T.; Balaji, A.K.; Ghosh R. (2020) “Progress towards modeling and optimization of sustainable machining processes” Keynote Paper, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 142(11): 110811.
  20. Aslantas, K.; Alatrushi, L.K.H.; Bedir, F.; Kaynak, Y.; Yılmaz, N. (2020) “An experimental analysis of minimum chip thickness in micro milling of two different titanium alloys” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 234(12), 1486-1498.
  21. Kaynak, Y.; Manchiraju, S.; Jawahir, I.S.; Biermann, D. (2020) “Chip Formation and Phase Transformation in Orthogonal Machining of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: Microstructure-based Modelling and Experimental Validation” CIRP Annals. 69 (1), 85-88.
  22. Tascioglu, E.; Karabulut, Y.; Kaynak, Y., (2020) “Influence of heat treatment temperature on the microstructural, mechanical, and wear behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed additive manufacturing”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 107, 1947-1956.
  23. Tankus, K.; Tascioglu, E.; Atay, G.; Brunken, H.; Kaynak, Y. (2020) “The effect of cutting parameters and cutting tools on machining performance of carbon graphite material”, Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal, 24 (1) 96-111.
  24. Kaybal, B.H.; Unuvar, A.; Kaynak, Y.; Avcı, A. (2020). “Evaluation of boron nitride nanoparticles on delamination in drilling carbon fiber epoxy nanocomposite materials”, Journal of Composite Materials, 54(2) 215-227.
  25. Kaynak, Y.; Kitay, O. (2019) “The effect of post-processing operations on surface characteristics of 316L stainless steel produced by selective laser melting”, Additive Manufacturing, 26 (2019), 84-93.
  26. Tascioglu, E.; Gharibi, A.; Kaynak, Y. (2019) “High speed machining of near beta titanium Ti-5553 alloy under various cooling and lubrication conditions”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102 (9-12), 4257-4271.
  27. Kirmacioglu, K.E.; Kaynak, Y.; Benafan, O. (2019) “Machinability of Ni-Rich NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy”, Smart Materials & Structures, 28 (5), 055008.
  28. Kaynak, Y.; Gharibi A. (2019) “Cryogenic Machining of Titanium Ti-5553 Alloy”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141(4), 041012.
  29. Gharibi, A.; Kaynak, Y. (2019) “The influence of depth of cut on cryogenic machining performance of hardened steel”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34 (2)581-596.
  30. Aslantaş, K.; Kaynak, Y. (2019) “Micro milling of NiTi shape memory alloy and determination of critical chip thickness” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 34 (3), 1201-1211.
  31. Kaynak, Y.; Gharibi A.; Yılmaz, Ü.; Köklü, U.; Aslantaş, K. (2018) “A comparison of flood cooling, minimum quantity lubrication and high pressure coolant on machining and surface integrity of titanium Ti-5553 alloy” , Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 34, 503-512.   
  32. Kaynak, Y.; Gharibi, A.; Ozkutuk, M. (2018) “Experimental and numerical study of chip formation in orthogonal cutting of Ti-5553 alloy: the influence of cryogenic, MQL, and high pressure coolant supply”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94 (1-4), 1411-1428.
  33. Kaynak, Y.; Huang, B.; Karaca, H.E.; Jawahir, I.S. (2017) “Surface Characteristics of Machined NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: The Effects of Cryogenic Cooling and Preheating Conditions”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26 (7), 3597-3606.
  34. Perçin, M.; K. Aslantas, A.; Ucun, I., Kaynak, Y.; Çicek. A. (2016) “Micro-drilling of Ti6Al4V alloy: The effects of cooling/lubricating”, Precision Engineering, 45, 450-462.
  35. Xia, T.; Kaynak, Y.; Arvin, C.; Jawahir, I.S. (2015) “Cryogenic cooling-induced process performance and surface integrity in drilling CFRP composite material”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 82(1), 605-616.  
  36. Kaynak, Y.; Karaca, H.E.; Noebe, R.D.; Jawahir, I.S. (2015) “The effect of active phase of the work material on machining performance of a NiTi shape memory alloy”, Journal of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46 (6), 2625-2636.
  37. Kaynak, Y.; Karaca, H.E.; Jawahir, I.S. (2015) “Cutting speed dependent microstructure and transformation behavior of NiTi alloy in dry and cryogenic machining”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24 (1), 452-460.
  38. Kaynak, Y.; Robertson, S.; Karaca, H.E.; Jawahir, I.S. (2015) “Progressive tool-wear in machining of room-temperature Austenitic NiTi Alloys: The influences of cooling/lubricating, melting, heat treatments conditions”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 215, 95-104.
  39. Kaynak, Y. (2014)“Machining and Phase Transformation Response of Room-Temperature Austenitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23 (9), 3354-3360.
  40. Kaynak, Y. (2014)“Evaluation of machining performance in cryogenic machining of Inconel 718 and comparison of machining performance with dry and MQL machining”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 72 (5-8), 919-933.
  41. Kaynak, Y; Tobe, H.; Noebe, R.D.; Karaca, H.E.: Jawahir, I.S. (2014)“The effects of machining on microstructure and transformation behavior of NiTi alloy”, Scripta Materialia, 74, 60-63.  
  42. Kaynak, Y.; Lu, T.; Jawahir, I.S. (2014) “Cryogenic machining–induced surface integrity: A review and comparison with Dry, MQL, and Flood cooled machining”, Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal, 18 (2), 149-198. 
  43. Kaynak, Y; Karaca, H.E.; Noebe, R.D.; Jawahir, I.S. (2013) “Tool-wear analysis in cryogenic machining of NiTi shape memory alloys: A comparison of tool-wear performance with dry and MQL machining”, Wear, 306 (1-2), 51-63.
  44. Kurt, M.; Kaynak, Y.; Kamber, O.Ş.; Mutlu, B.; Bakir, B.; Koklu, U. (2010)  “Influence of molding conditions on the shrinkage and roundness of  injection molded parts”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46 (5-8), 571-578.
  45. Kurt, M.; Kamber, Ö.Ş.; Kaynak, Y.; Atakök, G.; Girit, O. (2009) “Experimental investigation  of plastic injection molding: assessment of the effects of cavity pressure and mold temperature on the quality of the final products”, Materials and Design, 30 (8), 3217-3224.
  46. Kurt, M.; Kaynak, Y.; Bağcı, E.; Demirer, H.; Kurt, M. (2009) “Dimensional analyses and surface quality of the laser cutting process for engineering plastics”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 41 (3-4), 259-267.
  47. Kurt, M.; Bağcı, E.; Kaynak, Y. (2009) “Application of Taguchi methods in the optimization of cutting parameters for surface finish and hole diameter accuracy in dry drilling processes”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 40 (5-6), 458-469.
  48. Ozmen, D.; Kurt, M.; Ekici, B.; Kaynak, Y. (2009) “Static, dynamic and fatigue analysis of a semi-automatic gun locking block”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 16 (7), 2235–2244.
  49. Kurt, M.; Kaynak, Y.; Bagci, E. (2008) “Evaluation of drilled hole quality in Al 2024 alloy”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37 (11-12),1051-1060.
